Confirming recent rumours, Meizu has announced that it will unveil a new smartphone on Monday, December 8. In an interview with Chinese portal ZOL, the company's VP Li Nan referred to the device as a "quality smartphone" aimed at young people. Although Lan didn't provide any more details, it is highly likely that the device in question is the much awaited low-cost Meizu K52 which recently popped up on the GFX Bench database. The smartphone, which is said to run Android 4.4.4 KitKat and sport a MediaTek MT6752 chipset with octa-core CPU at 1.7 GHz, a 4.6 inch 1920x1080 pixel display, 2GB of RAM, and 12GB of internal memory, is expected to be priced at around 1,000 yuan (around $160). In addition, Lan also mentioned that the company has no plans to introduce MX Mini models, saying that the Meizu MX4 and the MX4 Pro, featuring 5.36-inch and 5.5-inch displays, respectively, fit everyone. Source |...



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