Samsung is working on a new Galaxy E series of smartphones, according to recent rumors and findings. So far two handsets have surfaced as part of this new line, the SM-E500 and the SM-E700. And until today we knew a bit more about the latter, since some of its specs got leaked a few days ago. The same has today happened for the SM-E500, which may be introduced officially as the Galaxy E5 (if we assume Samsung will use the same naming scheme as for the A series phones). The E500 will sport a 5-inch 720p touchscreen, and will be powered by a 32-bit SoC with a 1.2 GHz processor. It should run Android 4.4 KitKat, obviously with Samsung's TouchWiz layer adorned on top. This information comes from user agent profiles that have already been set up by Samsung on its website for two SM-E500 versions, as well as data from an Indian import tracker. For comparison, the Galaxy E7 (or SM-E700) will have a 5.5-inch 720p display and a processor clocked at up to 1.5 GHz. Source 1 • Source 2 • Source 3 | Via (in...



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