XOLO has launched two new budget smartphones in the Indian market called the Omega 5.0 and the Omega 5.5. The Omega 5.0 has a 5.0-inch 720 display, 1.4 GHz octa-core MTK6592M processor, 1GB RAM, 8GB memory with microSD support, 8 megapixel Sony EXMOR R sensor on the back and 2 megapixel camera on the front and 2100mAh battery. The Omega 5.5 has similar hardware but a bigger 5.5-inch 720p display, a 13 megapixel Sony EXMOR R sensor on the back and a 2600mAh battery. Both phones run on Android 4.4 KitKat with XOLO's HIVE UI on top. As a special offer, Vodafone is offering 500MB free 3G data and unlimited music on Vodafone Music for 2 months on Omega 5.0. On Omega 5.5 you'll get 1GB of free data instead. The Omega 5.0 is priced at Rs. 8,999 and the Omega 5.5 at Rs. 9,999. The 5.0 will be available from December 10 and the 5.5 from December...



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