The Xiaomi Redmi Note was temporarily on sale in India a week ago, but the 50,000 units lasted only 6 seconds. There's a new batch coming to Flipkart, this one a bit bigger - 75,000 units. You still need a registration before sale begins at 2pm local time (you won't have time to make one). The Xiaomi Redmi Note is priced at INR 9,000 (the equivalent of $145 or €118). There's a 4G version incoming that will cost another INR 1,000 on top of the base price, but that one won't be available until later this month. It's also powered by a quad-core Snapdragon 400 chipset instead of the octa-core MediaTek chipset the 3G version uses. The smaller Xiaomi, the Redmi 1S, went back on sale yesterday for INR 6,000, this time no registration required. Source |...



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