According to an oizoioi report, a Kirin 620-powered version of the Huawei Honor 4X is now available for pre-sale. This is particularly interesting given the fact that the company hasn't yet announced the device - a launch event is scheduled for December 16. The device is powered by the Kirin 620, rather than the Snapdragon 410 used on the original version. The home-baked chipset still offers 64-bit and LTE support, but it features an octa-core CPU and the Mali 450 GPU. Other features include a 5.5 inch HD display, 13 MP rear camera, and 5 MP front camera. In addition, the device packs in a 3000mAh battery, and will be available in two versions: a lower-end version with 1GB of RAM and a higher end version with 2GB of RAM. As for the price, the report says the 1GB version is expected to retail for 799 yuan ($129), while the 2GB version is expected to retail for 999 yuan ($161). Aside from the Honor 4X LTE, the upcoming event will also see the launch of the Honor 6Plus with Dual Rear...



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